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bubble tea & espresso
bubble tea & espresso
bubble tea & espresso
bubble tea & espresso
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Does Bubble Tea Go Bad?

The simple answer is - yes, bubble tea will eventually go bad. The time it takes for the tea to go bad will depend on what ingredients you’ve chosen. For example, if your bubble tea contains milk you should not consume past 24 hours after you start drinking.

It’s also worth noting that whilst the tea itself can last for 1-2 days, the pearls will only keep their consistency for around 3 to 6 hours, and may start to change after this time but is still tasty and safe to drink. In our 10 years of Bubble Tea experience, we find that Bubble Tea is at it’s best within 2-3 hours of purchase.

bubble tea going bad
It's getting warmer out there, enjoy a large Bubble tea throughout the summer's day

Bubble tea is always enjoyed best in a large size and during a hot day, and its lifespan allows for this. There are however some tips and tricks to keep your tea as fresh as possible during the day.

Can you put bubble tea in the fridge?

Yes - you can put bubble tea in the fridge and it will last longer as a result. Providing the bubble tea and its ingredients are fresh (as all great bubble tea should be) then it can be stored in the fridge for about 24 hours.

Do keep in mind that tapioca pearls will not last as long as the tea itself. Our recommendation is to drain the pearls from the tea before storing. Whilst you won’t be able to enjoy the pearls with the drink the next day, the tea itself will still taste great.

How long can bubble tea stay in the fridge?

Bubble tea can stay in the fridge for at least 24 hours and we strongly recommend you consume all of the tea within this time. Whilst consuming after 24 hours is unlikely to cause any health risk, the tea may well have lost much of its flavour by this point.

bubble tea fridge
Don't forget to store your bubble tea on the top shelf.

If your bubble tea has not been supplied with a lid, then covering the top with cling film or tin foil will help the tea keep fresh and avoid any other fridge contents falling into the tea. Also ensure the tea is stored on the top shelf to avoid being knocked over or contaminated whilst other food items are moved in the fridge throughout the day.

Can you keep bubble tea overnight?

Yes - you can keep bubble tea overnight and it will be safe to drink the next day. However we strongly recommend storing the bubble tea covered and in the top shelf of your fridge, particularly if your tea includes milk.

What about vegan bubble tea?

Vegan and dairy-free bubble tea is increasing in popularity rapidly. In our café alone, interest in vegan alternatives has doubled over the past 3 years and the best part is that most juices and toppings today are vegan-friendly.

bubble tea go bad
Vegan bubble tea has become more popular year on year.

When it comes to storing and refrigerating your vegan bubble tea, the guidance is exactly the same as a milk-based bubble tear: store on the top shelf of your fridge and consume within 24 hours. With that said, the lack of dairy ingredients may help your vegan bubble tea stay fresh and flavoursome for even longer.


We are Bubblebase: Wales’ first Bubble Tea Bar. We believe in using the best quality of ingredients to consistently serve our customers with a delicious range of drinks that have not only been created with utmost care, but also with the sharpest appearance.

Order online with our exclusive Bubblebase app and earn 9 stamps free when you register! Or place your order through our delivery partners and get Bubblebase delivered right to your doorstep.

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How to find us


Queens Arcade Shopping Centre
Queen Street
Cardiff CF10 2BY

Opening Hours

monday - saturday

10.00am - 6.00pm


11.00am - 5.00pm

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